"cheap" plastic cars...

These little Bachmann 20-foot gons are the cars I took the Carter Brothers-esque trucks from for my skeleton log cars (see my skeleton log cars web page...) I almost trashed them after that, but I decided that they're too "cute" to toss out and, besides, I need something for my li'l 0-4-0 Porter to pull.
So I got some more trucks from the B'mann parts department and then, basically, did the same thing I did to the plastic log cars. I replaced the plastic cast-on brake rigging with Ozark Miniatures white metal castings, added sill-mounted link & pin couplers (also from Ozark) and repainted everything. Oh yeah, I also added carriage bolt heads on the inside walls.
Here's the result:

Another example what can be done with cheap plastic cars that have a good basic design and structure that don't take much to improve.
I just called the Bachmann parts department - (800) 356-3910, ext. 11 or 17 - and asked for the trucks (with metal wheels) from their large-scale 20-foot car series, I didn't need a part number (at least she didn't ask me for one.)

The Ozark part numbers are:
    #1019, 16" brake wheel & lock pawl Qty: 2 ea.
    #0023, Link/pin coupler, end beam mount Qty: 2