Chris Walas.... The Tortoise..... With a public cry of concern ringing in the ears of county supervisors over the sightings of a Lemurian Rail Scout ship on the rails, Rhamshackle Iron Works was contracted to build a " Protected Observation Engine" to investigate the phenomenon. In great haste and greater expense, the firm produced a one-man, armored inspection vehicle, the TORTOISE; But what of the Lemurians? Where are they now? Were they ever truly here? Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of "The Search for the Lost Kingdom"! "Accumulated junk" is correct term for the Tortoise is every bit as simple as it looks; They create a new and glorious...well, new, Rogue County creation. And yes, gentlemen, it does indeed look like hostilities are escalating in Rogue County! The Lemurians are growing ever bolder while the residents of Rogue County become even more intolerant! Strange sounds have been heard from the vicinity of the Lost Temple. Rhamshackle Iron Works has begun work on a "secret" design! Who knows what will be next?!?! Chris |